Swing Left Maricopa
Supporting Democratic Candidates in Arizona
Air quality. Animal Care and Control. Care and custody of inmates. Collect, manage and distribute property taxes levied by local governments. Coordinate search and rescue. County jail. Courts. Determine tax exemptions. Drug trafficking tracking and prevention. Early voting. Environmental Services. Establish tax rates. Fill Vacancies. Fund school districts. Homeschooling. Housing. Identity theft. Infrastructure. Internet safety. Investor of public funds. Law Enforcement. Libraries. Litigation. Medical Examiner. Municipal Services. Parks. Planning & Development. Property assessments. Prosecute felonies. Public Fiduciary. Public Health. Public record access. Public works. Pupil-teacher ratio. Receive, manage and disburse public funds. Roads. School Bond Elections. School Finance. Serve warrants. Solid waste management. Student achievement. Tax collector. Voter access. Voter registration. Zoning.
Did you know?
County Government impacts our daily lives in so many ways.
Listed below are a few of the issues and services managed by county government and led by an elected five-member County Board of Supervisors and six countywide offices.
The contact information for these elected offices are below.
Swing Left Maricopa connects activists to the most impactful actions in support of Democratic candidates in the most flippable districts and offices throughout Maricopa County and at every level of government.
In 2021, we will also focus on providing information about the work and process of the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission and helping the public provide meaningful and timely input into the process.
National: Swingleft.org
Arizona State Democratic Party
Arizona Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
Maricopa County Elections Office
Maricopa County Democratic Party
Maricopa County Democratic Voter Guide
Arizona Clean Elections Commission
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